Maximize Post-Campaign Growth: A Guide to Setting Up Indiegogo InDemand

Maximize Post-Campaign Growth: A Guide to Setting Up Indiegogo InDemand

After your Kickstarter, or Indiegogo campaign wraps up successfully, the journey doesn’t have to end. Indiegogo InDemand offers a unique opportunity to continue fundraising and engaging with your community. Indiegogo InDemand is designed to help your project not just maintain but grow its support base and funding well after the initial campaign period has ended.

💡 As an official Indiegogo agency partner, we guarantee a seamless transition from Kickstarter to Indiegogo InDemand. Beyond facilitating this shift, we help you with promotional services, complemented by Indiegogo’s additional marketing services, and amplify your project’s success to its fullest potential.

What is Indiegogo InDemand?

Indiegogo InDemand extends the life of successful crowdfunding campaigns, allowing you to keep raising funds beyond your original timeline. This feature is available to campaigns that originated on both Indiegogo and Kickstarter, providing a flexible platform for continued growth.

Transition Smoothly and Expand Your Reach

For campaigns concluding on Indiegogo, transitioning to InDemand is designed to be straightforward, offering an avenue for continued support. For campaigns starting on Indiegogo, remember to opt into InDemand during your initial campaign setup. This ensures a seamless transition once you reach your funding goal.

Projects that began on Kickstarter are also welcome, but require a few extra steps.

How to Set Up Your Indiegogo InDemand Campaign after Kickstarter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Transition Made Easy: If you’re coming from a Kickstarter campaign, the process is just as accessible. Ensure you’ve met your funding goal, then prepare to bring your community over to Indiegogo InDemand.

✔︎ Draft Your InDemand Page: Begin by creating a draft of your InDemand page. Use the content from your original campaign as a foundation, focusing on what made your project resonate with backers.

✔︎ Keep It Simple: Don’t worry about setting a new goal or campaign duration. Indiegogo InDemand removes these limitations, giving you the freedom to focus on fundraising and engagement.

✔︎ Engage with Indiegogo: Before launching your InDemand page, reach out to the Indiegogo team for guidance. This ensures your transition to InDemand is smooth and your page is set up correctly.

✔︎ Submit for Approval: Once your draft is ready, submit your campaign to Indiegogo, along with the link to your original campaign. This step is crucial for confirming your eligibility and previous success.

✔︎ Personalize Your Page: After your InDemand page is approved, customize it with your branding & create updates. This refresh can help attract new backers while keeping your existing community engaged.

✔︎ Go Live: When your original Kickstarter campaign ends, launch your InDemand campaign to capitalize on the momentum. Update your backers about this new phase through all your communication channels, including your original campaign page.

At BoostYourCampaign, we’re ready to help you navigate the Indiegogo InDemand setup and optimization process. With our support, your campaign can continue to attract funding and engage backers, turning post-campaign momentum into sustained success. Contact us today for assistance with your Kickstarter or Indiegogo (InDemand) campaign: